Description of Work Packages

WP1: Specification & Benchmarking

Lead beneficiary:


Objectives :

  • End user requirements and specifications at component, circuit and demonstrator level including practical implementation issues of the demonstrators into the operational environment including risk assessment
  • Roadmap for material/process compatibility
  • Specification of test methods and samples for characterization and verification of materials, components, unit cells and final demonstrators including risk assessment.
  • Identification of circular economy and sustainability opportunities within the NANOMAT concepts.
  • Roadmap for the implementation of ML techniques for the reliability of components and demonstrators
  • Periodic benchmarking against specifications & SoA.

WP2: III-Nirides, RF-MEMS materials & flexible technologies

Lead beneficiary:


Objectives :

  • Design material, devices, circuits
  • Optimize the fabrication protocols for each device
  • Develop flexibility roadmaps for each device
  • Assess compatibility issues due to the heterogeneous nature of materials and processes
  • Performance assessment (non-flexible & flexible) including physical understanding of bending on material and device properties
  • Data collection to develop trained models for machine learning
  • Better physical understanding of effect of bending on device performance

WP3: Organic CNT -based materials & flexible technologies

Lead beneficiary:


Objectives :

  • Design material, devices, circuits
  • Optimize the fabrication protocols for each device
  • Develop flexibility roadmaps for CNT based devices & circuits
  • Assess compatibility issues due to the heterogeneous nature of materials and processes
  • Performance assessment (non-flexible & flexible) including physical understanding of bending on material and device properties
  • Data collection to develop trained models for machine learning
  • Better physical understanding of effect of bending on device performance

WP4: Heterogeneous integration platform

Lead beneficiary:


Objectives :

  • Provide solutions to possible process incompatibilities for both 2D & 3D integration
  • Provide solutions to possible incompatibilities towards flexibility
  • Identify possible common fabrication steps to decrease cost and fabrication time
  • Performance assessment (non-flexible & flexible)
  • Data collection to develop trained models for machine learning

WP5: Demonstrators

Lead beneficiary:


Objectives :

  • Design, realize and assess the 2 NANOMAT demonstrators
  • Competitive analysis & benchmarking (with Task 1.4)
  • Determination of circular economy and sustainability potential of the NANOMAT prototypes.
  • Data collection to develop trained models for machine learning

WP6: Dissemination & Communication

Lead beneficiary:


  • Dissemination of the project results towards mainly the scientific community implementing open science practices as much as possible
  • Outreach and communications activities to the general public exercising where appropriate GDPR.
  • Draft and update the data management plan (DMP) and the plan for dissemination and communication (PDC)
  • Assign dissemination & communications manager

WP7: Exploitation

Lead beneficiary:


  • Objectives :

    • Oversee all possible actions that can increase the potential for as effective as possible exploitation of all the NANOMAT technological nodes
    • Draft initial exploitation plan (IEP)
    • Create and continuously update the NANOMAT exploitation roadmap
    • Establish the NANOMAT exploitation advisory committee
    • Manage the intellectual property issues of NANOMAT
    • Assign exploitation manager

WP8: Project management

Lead beneficiary:


  • Objectives :

    • Coordination of the collaborative work between the project partners.
    • Management of administrative, legal, and financial activities.
    • Communication with the European Commission.
    • Monitoring of the gender issue.
    • Monitoring risk assessment & assign Risk manager for all WPs

Nanomat Coordinator

Dr. Afshin Ziaei

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