Institutul National De Cercetaredezvoltare Pentru Microtehnologie


Alexandru MULLER

Role in project

  • WP6 leader
  • RF design
  • RF and microphysical characterization
  • SAWs technology


Τhrough NANOMAT, IMT will engage to exploit and disseminate the results, spread excellence to the scientific community and the large public through joint publications with other partners and communication activities. The results regarding the SAW strain and temperature sensors will be published in high impact factor journals (e.g. IEEE Electron Device Letters, IF: 4.187; IEEE Sensors, IF: 3.301; Appl. Phys. Lett IF: 3.791; Journal of Applied Physics, IF: 2.546;). The results will also be widely disseminated through presentation at high ranked international conferences covering the same topics area e.g. International Microwave Symposium USA (IMS, organized by IEEE MTT-S), European Microwave Week (EuMW), Transducers, etc. A thematic workshop on Flexible power RF electronics is planned to be organized as a satellite event in the frame of IEEE International Semiconductor Conference CAS (organized annually by IMT-Bucharest). This will also contribute to the training of students and young researchers involved in the project. The scientific results of the project will also be used in education through Phd programs of the Doctoral School of University Politehnica of Bucharest.

Nanomat Coordinator

Dr. Afshin Ziaei

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